miércoles, 20 de octubre de 2010

The Company "The Four A"

Our company was founded whit the purpose of meet the tastes of the youngs for half of the keyrings, is a company formed by four employers,  Company Was Founded The March 5, 2010.
We Have the purpose of expand our company for meet the needs each employer.
we do keyrings of differents motives; letters, hearts... Motives to taste of youngs.

miércoles, 6 de octubre de 2010

Solar Energy

The natural solar energy is produce in the atmosphere, the oceans and plants of the earth. For example produce winds, used for centurys for do rotate the windmill.
The sistems moderm the wind energy used thruster strong, that when is united to generators, produce electricity for feed the net electric of a region or community.

miércoles, 29 de septiembre de 2010

My Favorite Musical Instrument

This instrument is my favorite because produce a sounds pleasant, and harmonious.
This help me to clear my mind in moments complicated, and of much concentration.
In the years 1920 the saxophone was used often in recordings of jazz clasic, and it was include in the  symphony orchestra, this instrument to increase its popularity.   

Children's Museum

Is a institution that educated to children's and youngers. It was fundated for Belisario Betancourt in 1986.
Some activitys that you can do: Party of birthday, graduations, conferences, entertainment and others.
The program of clubhouse have sponsorship of the laboratory of halfs of university of MIT and science of Boston museum.

miércoles, 22 de septiembre de 2010

Rodrigo Arenas Betancourt School

" Towards A Culture Of Enterprise Through Science And Technology "

Ciclo V  Incubator Projects In The Business World Understanding

I will project basing on the V-cycle since my career has to train and create businesses this project helped me to learn more fairly deep, which i will project a few years.


In 2015, the school Rodrigo Arenas Betancourt will be an institution with a quality educational management, trainer of humans with critical awareness, social responsibility that contributes to the development of the proposed student life, to enter the field of productivity and competitiveness.


Rodrigo Arenas Betancourt school is a mixed institution, official and academic mode, which serves its community integral formation and promotes the development of the competition necessary for personal development. social life and entrepreneurship.


Gabriel García Márquez

Gabriel José García Márquez was born in Aracataca (Colombia) in 1928. In 1961 he published The Colonel no one writes.Many elements of their stories are brought to an unusual interest to be integrated in One Hundred Years of Solitude. In it, Márquez builds and brings to life the mythical town of Macondo, an imaginary country where the improbable and magical no less real than the everyday, logical, this is the basic tenet of what became known as magic realism.

One Hundred Years of Solitude 
is a novel considered a masterpiece 
of American literature and universal, 
is one of the most translated works 
and read in Spanish. 
It was rated the second most 
important work of the Spanish